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Logiciel numéro 1 dans la distribution automatique - WinGDA et W3

Our Software

icone erp Orba

Application software is a software suitable for solving a specific problem.

For 23 years , Orba Computing continues to innovate its WinGDA 2 software to suit :

  •     1 - New ideas management team of engineers.
  •     2 - Aux nouvelles solutions se rapportant aux questions à résoudre dans les différents domaines de l’entreprise
             (billing, accounting , customer service, sales , inventory management , etc…)
  •     3 - New technologies (4 G, tablet, smartphone etc…)

Today, Orba Informatique fate of its software v3.0 (W3) . A light web version, fluid.

It is the development of an idea, a further reflection of his team, a strong and lasting knowledge of the general model of each company in the minds of all men before birth and that allows us to design its business as a whole.

It's why, Orba Informatique offers you W3 , software fragmented into different modules , various entities that perfectly complement without being dependent on each other.

Because every business, every vision of the area in which you practice is unique, Orba Computers strives to provide innovative solutions and fluids. Solid solutions for each business , analytical tools to anticipate , improve, streamline and sustain your business. W3 is software that provides a comprehensive view of your business, a management software that thinks for you.

Software available on internet. A complete and pleasant web platform viewable from a smartphone or tablet. A web platform to the image of what could be your business.

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